Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Jenna and Payton at it AGAIN!

Well Ann was brave again this year and invited Jenna over to bake - above is the ginger bread house they made - looks great - must have tasted good too because they dug in soon after this picture. By the way, this was the cleanest part of the kitchen! Jenna continues to enjoy time with Payton!

BIGGBY - Radio Interview

Had a chance to be interviewed on the radio this past Saturday, it was great fun! Bob, our founder placed the interview on the blog - if you would like to listen -

Hopefully you enjoy it as much as I did doing it!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


You know sometimes the holiday decorations just go a little past annoying? Can you believe someone would do this to my deer? I believe Jacob is the one to blame!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Christmas Prayers

Good Morning,

I have a friend Jim Williams whom I was a peer district manager with at Best Buy, he worked in Chicago. He has a son Kyle (Kyle and Jim above) that is 5 years old and has been diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. They have relocated to New York for the best medical treatment possible.

They have been an inspiration to me with the courage at which they are attacking back. I can't begin to fathom the emotions of this Christmas Season for them.

Please, if you like take a moment and read about Kyle on the following link and include them in your prayers.

Christmas Cookies 2009

Jenna and Jacob helped to make cookies yesterday. But what they most enjoyed, I believe, was making boxes like this and taking to our neighbors - they both love to make others happy. Jacob truly has a servant's heart!
When they weren't bickering over frosting (brotherly and sisterly love) they were truly embracing the essence of the season.
Merry Christmas!

Jacob's Wish List for Christmas 2015

I am not sure how this happened but Jacob has fallen in love the VW Bug - It may because he is great at playing "slug bug." This is his dream car, he has designed it on the website several times and I am sure he will be asking Santa for it in a few years. His savings account needs to do a lot of growth in the next 6 years!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Flying Kids

Jenna and Jacob got to flying twice this year. One time when we were at Grandpa's in KY and then just a week or so ago they got to go up with Aunt Micki. Jacob even got to hold the stick with Aunt Micki - they enjoyed both a great deal!